The wine information has been retrieved from the following books, journals and web sites:
Oz Clarke, 2000, Introducing wine. (Swedish translation Vin från början) ICA bokförlag.
Not longer available. Has been replaced by Oz Clarke´s Let Me Tell You about Wine: A Beginner´s Guide to Understanding and Enjoying Wine, Oz Clarke, 2010. The book contains information on grapes, wines and wine regions and is a suitable book for beginners.
Håkan Larsson, 2002, rött vitt rosé, Håkan Larssons guide till vinets värld, Albert Bonniers förlag.
This book is only available in Swedish.
Catarina Hiort af Ornäs, 2000, Munskänkarnas vinbok. Forum bokförlag.
This book is only available in Swedish.
Oz Clarke, 2007 Wine Atlas.
Maps of wine regions all over the world, very detailed, down to separate vineyards.
Oz Clarke Pocket Wine Book.
Updated every year. Information is given of producers and vintages .
Hugh Johnson´s Pocket Wine Book.
Updated every year. Information is given of producers and vintages .
Lars Torstenson, 2003, Vinprovningens ABC, Albert Bonniers förlag.
In Swedish. Sold out. A new and completely revised and updated edition of the book has been published (2011) with the title Vinprovning. Så upplever du vinets alla möjligheter.
Allt om Vin
Information and assessment of quality and price value of all wines, which can be purchased from Systembolaget in Sweden, are found here. New wines and new vintages are assessed as well, along with food that matches the wines.
Allt om Mat
The issue where all wines from the Swedish Systembolaget are assessed is of special interest. It is issued each year in October. Recipes and wines to go well with the food are given in each issue.
This journal was previously issued by Systembolaget but is now only available on line. Articles about grape varieties and wines and food-wine combinations were presented. You can now find the articles at Systembolaget´s web site
Web sites:
There is a lot of knowledge gathered here about anything that concerns wine, grape varieties, wine countries, food and wine combinations etc. All the wines included in the regular assortment have been tested and assessed. Flavour, aroma and colour are reported for all wines and for red wines, body, astringency and fruit acid and for white wines sweetness, body and fruit acid.
Wine suppliers:
You can read more about the wines included in the tastings here. Wines can be ordered from the supplier and sent to any Systembolag in Sweden. News and sometimes suitable recipes to the wines may also be found.
Apricot AB
Arvid Nordquist Vin och Sprithandel
Concealed Wines AB
Concha y Toro Sweden AB
Divine AB
Enjoy Wine & Spirits AB
Giertz Vinimport AB
Hermansson & Co AB
Hjo Grosshandel AB
janake wine group AB
Kiviks Musteri AB
Johan Lidby Vinhandel AB
Moet Hennessy Sverige AB
Philipson Söderberg AB
Sigva AB
Spendrups Bryggeri AB
Swedish Wine Cellar
Treasury Wine Estates Sweden AB
Vinia Sweden AB
Vinunic AB